Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Day one - Trial by hail

Provo to SLC

The Day in Review

The day began with four rock hard and enthused EB Trekkers, and ended with jelly legs and even more enthusiasm. Deseret News and ABC 4 News did great morning coverage of the kickoff, and most important, we had a few friends support us. Jamie Hartley, Vanessa and Zach Stoop, all of whom have EB where there to support us as we began our 2,600 mile trek. They are a great source of inspiration for the riders. Jamie said to remember her when in pain or sore, and it gave a great perspective to our ride. The Wirthlins, close friends of Chandler and Shaun gave us tons of food and a place to sleep. It's the first time Parry has had a bed in weeks.

Hail, Headwinds, and The Hill. (The ride)

We almost made it outside the parking lot. Parry, who was still getting used to the clip in pedels (for the first time in his life), fell over and tasted a little concrete. The only thing hurt was his pride, and really. not even that. It only happened once more, I swear. As we were assaulted by hail in orem, we continued strong. Shaun got hit by a drive by splashing, but thankfully we were only moments from our lunch stop at Cary and Kregg's house. Coming around the point of the mountain into the Salt Lake Valley, up at thanksgiving point, we came across some serious headwinds. We battled up the hills, sticking close to the edge of the narrow two land road as huge trucks kept flying by. Chris and Parry made it to the top first and caught pictures of Chandler and Shaun making it up the last of the climb.

In SLC we made our way to the Withlins home, which happened to be up a climb so steep we thought about strapping on some climbing harnesses. The Hill was intense, we were in the lowest gear all the way. It seemed like walking might be faster, but we pressed one up that sucka, and its gonna be a sweet morning start. The last 20 meters Parry and Chanlder had a race to the finish. In interest of Trek unity, were just gonna call it a tie, plus I'm the one writing this (Parry).
Shaun was feeling the climb, and had to take a few side road breaks, but I'm giving him a break for how long I drafted behind him.

The Strong winds brought the team close together, almost tire to tire in fact. We plan on trying to stick close during the trek and take our time each day. Day two, Craig will be joining us, so we'll see how the unity continues...

Daily Stats
Distance: 51.2 miles
Time: 3:59
Avg. Speed: 12.6 MPH
Max Speed: 32.2 MPH

Total mile: 51.2


Rocky Garff said...

Nice start guys! I wish I were there with you.

margo said...

I just found your site and blog. We've done quite a bit of long distance riding as a family over the years and most of us live in Boise. Do you need any help or places to stay while you're in Boise?? We'd love to help if we can. Be aware of some pretty wicked winds and desolate landscape from Burley to Glenns Ferry but hang in there. This is awesome what you're doing!! Do you have any support with you? Good luck!

Chandler said...

Margo, thanks for the offer but we have a place to stay already. We do have a support van as well. Thanks for the heads up on what to expect!

You are more then welcome to join us at any point if you would like. I can't guarantee when I'll have the internet next, so you could call me. (Parry) My number is 734.717.7971

Also, just spreading the word would help us A LOT, we're still working on sponsors and any kind of donation is appreciated. Thanks for the support!